Import tariff

美 [ˈɪmpɔːrt ˈtærɪf]英 [ˈɪmpɔːt ˈtærɪf]
  • 网络进口关税;进口税;进口税则
Import tariffImport tariff
  1. Current situation and suggestion on import tariff of resources products


  2. Second , the import tariff rates were different .


  3. China will cut import tariff to balance trade .


  4. In effect , import tariff reduction is part of a general strategy to expand import .


  5. Under the new trade agreement , the import tariff comes off certain kinds of goods .


  6. The main protection methods used in our country are import tariff and tariff quota currently .


  7. Chapter one is the brief introduction of transnational small off-line transaction and import tariff .


  8. The Macroeconomic Impacts of China 's Import Tariff Reduction & A Computable General Equilibrium Model Analysis


  9. In general , tariffs can be divided an import tariff and an export tariff .


  10. Time to have a50 % import Tariff tax added to all items being brought into USA.


  11. In such nations the import tariff becomes a crucial source , not of industrial protection but of public revenue .


  12. Above offer valid next wednesday4th p.m but any import tariff change your risk and account .


  13. We evaluate four kinds of policies : free trade , import tariff , production subsidy , combination of tariff and subsidy .


  14. The government initiates to implement the plan that cut import tariff of farm produce , such as vegetables , fruits .


  15. At issue is whether a tax that can be avoided by producing locally is an import tariff in disguise .


  16. The most widespread tariff is the import tariff , which is a tax levied on an imported product .


  17. As the current import tariff system can not adapt to the rapid development of transnational small off-line transaction , modificafion must be made .


  18. Thereafter , this paper discusses the issue of transnational small off-line transaction in order to propose modificafion to current import tariff system .


  19. The undervaluation of the renminbi has the same impact as an import tariff of 50 or 60 per cent .


  20. By far the biggest importer of environmental goods in the world , China has an average import tariff of just 8 per cent on such products .


  21. Further more , we use the statistic data of China 's automobile industry to adapt to the model and find the optimal average import tariff for imported automobile .


  22. The industry analysis of the view that the business card printing and membership card equipment import tariff policy adjustment for domestic card and membership card equipment import trade .


  23. The US also imposes an import tariff of 54 cents a gallon , which keeps out cheaper sugarcane ethanol from Brazil .


  24. At January 1 2005 , the import tariff rates were declined to zero , the large quantity abroad furniture-makers have invested in China to build factories .


  25. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo , the Philippines president , this week cut an oil import tariff to appease transport workers threatening a strike .


  26. With decline of import tariff and increase of international trade transparency , traditional trade protection has been further restricted , so protectionism is seeking for new methods to carry out its protection strategy .


  27. Import tariff has been decreasing year after year since Chinese accession to the WTO , on the other hand , our ties in trade with other countries in the world is increasingly close .


  28. There is seldom the formula of the optimum export tariff in a large nation in the present literature of international trade , but there is always the formula of the optimum import tariff in a large nation .


  29. The formula of the optimum export tariff in a large nation in few literature is deduced symmetrically by the formula of the optimum import tariff in a large nation , which is not proved strictly .


  30. We will focus on two policy tools of government : import tariff and production subsidy , the former can be looked as the tool of trade policy and the latter can be looked as the tool of industrial policy .
